Two Men. Similar Health Scares. The Same Outcome Dr. Sebi Encouraged.

Alfredo Bowman Sr. (Dr. Sebi)

                                                                                                                  Dan Sheehan

Read Dan’s story all the way to the end if you have 10-15 minutes. Time well spent. When you do, you might find yourself asking, as I did,  “Why does all this sound so familiar?”

I found Dan’s story after watching a video on the FullyRawKristina YouTube channel. Kristina titled the gem of a video “How I Make Real Coconut Milk From Scratch.” Again, time well spent, about 14 minutes, when you watch.  Long story short, Kristina is a raw vegan and a spokesperson for the Nama M1 Nut Milk Maker. The owner/founder of Nama is Dan.

When you read why Dan started Nama, you’ll be reminded of what Dr. Sebi has always encouraged us to do nutrition-wise and agriculturally.

Remembering Dr. Sebi on his 91st birthday

Dr. Sebi and Captain Jones

Alfredo Bowman Sr. (a master healer affectionately and widely known as Dr. Sebi)


An Appeal to Heal at Usha Village


Healing Purple Passion Across the Cosmos, Beneath the Sea