Why This Video About Dr. Sebi Is One of the Best on YouTube

Every now and then I browse the internet to see what people are saying about Dr. Sebi, and since today is the last day of Black History Month I think it's fitting to write about a man who made history way back in the 1980s when he cured his first AIDS patient.

But this blog is not about that success. It's about a YouTube video I watched today. It features Dr. Sebi's family (daughter Usha and wife Maa) being interviewed by Tasha K on the YouTube channel called unwinewithtashak. It's Dr. Sebi's history at its best. So much rarely heard information is there. So much love and fond memories are there. A side of Dr. Sebi you rarely hear about is there. It's sad, tragic, eye-opening, heartwarmng, and wonderful, all in one video. I'm pleased with the respectful way Tasha K conducted the interview with the gentle person that Maa is. She engaged with Maa and Usha on personable and professional levels.

I'll stop writing now and let you see it for yourself. The YouTube URL is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NlUiAtlE7I and the name of the YouTube video is Exclusive Dr. Sebi’s Family Reveals His Death, Fake Products, The Betrayal, His Mistress & Legacy. Let me know what you think on the Contact page of this website or leave a message at info@sojourntohonduras.com

First published February 28, 2019


Dr. Sebi, His Ads and His Day in Court


Dr. Sebi Is Garifuna. Hear His People Speak.