2022 Year-End Review: A Good Time to talk About the Food-Mucus-Cancer Connection
Talking about the effects of mucus instead of skimming and delaying action on the topic that’s published in articles and newsletters is half the battle won in breast cancer prevention and the cure. A good springboard for discussion is “Mucus Plays Key Role in Cancer,” published in The Harvard Gazette, April 29, 2004.
Your Living Shall Not Be in Vain
He committed over 30 years of his life traveling down that road, a road his protégé Adio Akil believed he would journey on for many years to come. But his death in August 2016 upended that notion, leaving Adio compelled to continue in the same vein as her mentor.
Dr. Sebi's African Bio Mineral Balance: A Prescription for Global Healthcare and Nutrition
The African Bio Mineral Balance, coined and created by Dr. Sebi, is a therapeutic method that reverses disease and heals the body with alkaline herbs and plants. But if you’re reading this and you’re Caucasian wondering what the African Bio Mineral Balance has to do with you, know that it heals your body too. Here’s why.
Like Father Like Daughter, And Yes, She's Cured AIDS Too
“I’m still actively doing all the things that my father taught me. I don’t want anyone to feel that because he’s gone now everything else is,” Xave said in an interview from her home in Georgia. Next Generation Herbal Products is also based there and sprang up—due to public demand—after her father died in Honduras, Central America, in 2016.”
A Black Girl's Guide to a Man From the Bush
“Love for a Moment,” a plant he loves back, shacks up in the village feeling no shame in populating this oasis in the tropics. The man from the bush revels in sharing his beloved botanical beauty with the awestruck Black Girl.
Maa, Co-Creator of Dr. Sebi's Therapeutic Program The African Bio Mineral Balance
She’s still in Brooklyn, NY. She still consults with people who want and seek the healing she offers, as she has for more than 40 years.